| Sabah (Malaysia) (2 photographers)
See also: related places, e.g., Borneo; Brunei; Sarawak (Malaysia) |
| Saba (Netherlands Antilles) (2 photographers)
| Sabine NWR (1 photographer)
| Sacramento (CA) (3 photographers)
| Sacramento River (1 photographer)
| safaris, variety of coverage (6 photographers)
| safaris, Africa (1 photographer)
| sage scrub (4 photographers)
| Saguaro NP (AZ), many aspects (15 photographers)
| Saguaro NP (AZ), natural history, natural resources (1 photographer)
| Sahara Desert (1 photographer)
· | Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) See: Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) |
| sailboats, sailing, variety of coverage (13 photographers)
See also: boats, boating |
| sailfish (2 photographers)
| St. Augustine (FL) (7 photographers)
| St.-Barthélemy (St. Barts) (1 photographer)
| St. Basil's Cathedral (Moscow) (3 photographers)
| St. Croix Is. (U.S. Virgin Is.) (1 photographer)
| St. Croix River (MN, WI) (1 photographer)
| St. Elias Mtns. (3 photographers)
| Saint-Gaudens NHS (NH) (2 photographers)
| St. John Is. (U.S. Virgin Is.) (6 photographers)
| St. John's (NF) (1 photographer)
| St. Kitts-Nevis (3 photographers)
| St. Lawrence River (1 photographer)