| ibises, variety of coverage (10 photographers)
| ibises, white (5 photographers)
| ice (nature), variety of coverage (20 photographers)
See also: frozen lakes, ponds, rivers, variety of coverage |
| ice, caps, sheets (1 photographer)
| ice, crystals (4 photographers)
| ice, floes (2 photographers)
| ice, icicles (1 photographer)
| ice, melting (5 photographers)
| ice, people related (7 photographers)
See also: weather (nature), variety of coverage |
| ice, storms (8 photographers)
| ice, tunnels, caves (2 photographers)
| Ice Age NST (WI) (2 photographers)
| icebergs, variety of coverage (13 photographers)
| icebergs, calving (6 photographers)
| icebergs, with wildlife (5 photographers)
| ice carvings (4 photographers)
· | ice climbing See: climbing, ice |
| Icefields Parkway (AB) (5 photographers)
| Iceland (6 photographers)
See also: specific islands, e.g., Surtsey (Iceland) |
| ice skating (3 photographers)
| Idaho, variety of coverage (4 photographers)
| Idaho, resident photographer, agency (3 photographers)
| Idaho, national parks, other public lands, wildernesses (6 photographers)
| Idaho, nature, wildlife, environment (2 photographers)
| Idaho, people (daily life, cultures, commerce, traditional peoples, etc.) (3 photographers)
| Idaho, tourism, destinations, attractions (5 photographers)
| Iditarod NST (AK) (1 photographer)
| Iditarod Race (2 photographers)
See also: dogsledding, mushing |
| igloos (1 photographer)
| iguanas, pets (1 photographer)
| iguanas, wild (7 photographers)
| Iguazú Falls (aka Iguaçu Falls, Argentina, Brazil) (6 photographers)
| illegal activities, nature related (e.g., poaching, smuggling) (3 photographers)
| Illinois, resident photographer, agency (4 photographers)
| Illinois (4 photographers)
| immigrants to U.S. (legal) (1 photographer)
| Imperial Valley (CA) (1 photographer)
| Inca related coverage (1 photographer)
See also: archaeology, specialist in; antiquity (art, ruins, sites, etc.) |
| Inca Trail (Peru) (2 photographers)
· | Independence Day See: July 4 (Independence Day) |
| Independence NHP (PA) (1 photographer)
| Independence Rock (WY) (4 photographers)
| India, variety of coverage (5 photographers)
| India, arts (including performing), crafts (1 photographer)
| India, daily life, lifestyles, cultures, etc. (4 photographers)
| India, economy related (agriculture, construction, commerce, etc.) (2 photographers)
| India, nature, environment (2 photographers)
| India, tourism, destinations, attractions (6 photographers)
| Indiana (4 photographers)
| Indianapolis (IN) (2 photographers)